Winners in the game Trifon or Valentine

Hi there friends,

the Holy week is near its end and it's time to make some preparations for Easter!

As a matter of fact, we're prepared... with our game. As per Holy Thursday we've already dyed our eggs and we offer you to check on them:

Easter winner egg - TAXI
1. For lovers of taxi services with PROMOCODE - TAXI
Easter winner egg - PUBLIC TRANSPORT
2. For the people using the public transport with PROMOCODE - PTRANS
Easter winner egg - BICYCLE
3. For the fans who ride a bike with PROMOCODE - BIKE
Easter winner egg - PEDESTRIAN
4. За разчитащите на собствените сили и разходката пеша с PROMOCODE - BYFOOT
Easter winner egg - FLYING CAR
5. For anyone who lives in the near future, riding their flying cars and PROMOCODE - FLYCAR
Easter winner egg - TELEPORT
6. For even more optimistic, passing from one dimension to another via teleporter with PROMOCODE - TPORT

We hope that you like them. If so pick one and join our game. How to do it? It's easy.

You need to have an installed Taxistars app. If you still don't have one, you can download it here. When you are ready execute the following steps:

Choose promocode/voucher

Choose Promocode/voucher

Register your phone number

Register your phone number

Enter one of the promocodes

Enter the chosen promocode

Once you have entered your chosen promocode, go to our page on Facebook and leave a comment at the end of our NOTE. In it, please explain what was the motivation for your choice. The most original comment will win a SPECIAL BONUS!

The vouchers we have prepared for this game are: 1 voucher of 50BGN, 2 vouchers of 25BGN, 4 vouchers of 10BGN plus SPECIAL BONUS.

Let's see who is going to be the WINNER EGG this Easter!


* the game is valid for both old and new customers

** each new user of Taxistars must register their phone number before introducing a voucher or promocode

Taxi for urban and intercity trips